Hello, my name is Avanti Young, and I am a travel-holic.
I am also a writer, a lover of fine food, a music-junkie, and a wife.
A brief history
I’m an ex-pat South-African of Indian descent, having lived in Sydney since I was 5 years old. My grandfather was a published author and the former South African Minister of Education, so I’m pretty sure I developed my love of the written word from him! I’ve traveled to 19 countries and don’t intend to stop until I’ve seen, lived, breathed, and written about them all.
What else? I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was six years old, and first saw the inside of a cockpit at the tender age of five, so it’s not surprising that my ultimate goal is to publish a book based on my travels, and eventually move from my day job in the world of advertising, to the realm of travel writing.
In October 2014, I had my first written work published with SBS:
- Article: Diwali Celebration
- Recipe: Carrot & Sweetcorn Bakro
- Recipe: Lentil Bara
- Recipe: South African Gulab Jamboos
- Recipe: Chana Magaj
Click here to contact me if you’re interested in my work.
In the meantime, have a look around – you’ll find stories of adventures in faraway lands, helpful travel reviews, tips and guides, reviews of some spectacular gigs, and mouth-watering delicacies from restaurants all over the world.
Go on, take a peek: Travel, Food, Music.
And if there’s anything you want to see more of, please feel free to make a suggestion or pass on some feedback. 🙂